Meet the team

Shaurya Srivastava M. Endo RCSEd 

Specialist Endodontist

King’s College London
Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
European Society of Endodontology

(BDS, PG-Dip Endo, MClinDent Endo, M. Endo RCSEd, ESE Specialist Member)

Shaurya is a Specialist Endodontist from King’s College London (MClinDent Endodontology), Member in Endodontics (M. Endo RCSEd) at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, the first and only Indian as a Specialist Member at the European Society of Endodontology & an examiner for The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.

He specialises in: Failures of Endodontic Treatments; Complex Diagnosis & Multidisciplinary Treatment Planning using CBCTs; Apical Microsurgery; Dental Trauma and Restoratively driven Endodontics. His approach is preservative and minimally invasive driven, which is achieved with a microscope and utilizing 3D technologies.

Apart from working in referral practice, Shaurya is also the director & founder of The Endo Restorative Course, training qualified dentists to up-skill in endodontics on professional development courses nationally & overseas which are accredited by The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.

Ammar Hourani M. Endo RCSEd 

Consultant/Specialist Endodontist

Liverpool School of Dentistry
Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh

(BDS (Glasgow), DDSc (Endodontology), MFDS RCSEd, M. Endo RCSEd)

Ammar Hourani is a Specialist Endodontist from Liverpool Dental School (DDSc Endodontology) and Member in Endodontics (M. Endo RCSEd) at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. 

Ammar is currently a Consultant in Endodontics who lectures at Liverpool & Leeds Dental school, Kings College London, Peninsula, and UCLAN, as well as, running various private and deanery-run endodontic programmes teaching principles and advanced endodontic courses.

In addition to this, Dr Al Hourani works in several private endodontic referral clinics in London, Hertfordshire, and Lincolnshire accepting high complexity endodontic cases, trauma as well as surgical endodontics. Moreover, Dr Al Hourani is a Royal College examiner for the M.Endo RCSEd specialist exit exams and MFDS examinations. 

Ammar lectures nationally and internationally with many distinguished educational institutes and has a real passion for teaching and academia. He is currently completing his Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education. His passion for education inspired him to create ‘The EndoGuys’. He is the Director and co-founder of this educational platform which serves to help GDPs achieve endodontic excellence through continuous professional education.

Gurdeep Singh M. Endo RCSEd

Specialist Endodontist

Cardiff School of Dentistry
Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh

(BDS, MFDS RCSEd (UK), MClinDent (UK), M. Endo RCSEd (UK), FBARD (UK), M Endo RCPS (Glasg), FDS RCSEd (UK), PGCertDE (UK),  FCGDent (UK)

Clinical lead and Assistant Professor, Adult Restorative Dentistry at Oman Dental College and a visiting specialist at American Speciality Clinics (Oman). He is also the International Dental Ambassador for the RCSEd (Middle East). Dr. Singh completed his basic dental graduation (BDS) from India in 2009 followed by successfully passing the MFDS exams with RCSEd. He then obtained his Masters in Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent) Endodontology from Cardiff School of Dentistry (UK) with distinction in 2015.

In 2016 he successfully passed the Membership exam in Endodontology (MEndo) with the RCSEd. He has been practicing in Oman as a registered specialist in Endodontology and Restorative Dentistry along with his teaching since 2016.

He was also awarded with an Honorary fellowship from the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry in 2017. In 2019 he was awarded with a honorary membership in Endodontology with the Royal college of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow. In 2020, Dr. Singh was awarded with the honorary Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. With his keen interest towards teaching and learning in dentistry, He successfully completed his Post-graduate certificate in Dental Education in 2022 from the University of Dundee (UK). Recently Dr. Singh was also awarded with the honorary Fellowship from the College of General Dentistry (UK)

With his practice limited to Endodontics his key areas of his interest are Microscopic Endodontics, Retreatment in Endodontics, Restoring endodontically treated teeth. Dr. Singh is passionate about teaching and reforming new ways of teaching, learning and assessments in dentistry, specially endodontics. His passion for continuing education ensures that the technological advancements being made in the field of dentistry are available to all his students and patients. Dr.Singh is an active member of the British Endodontic Society, European Society of Endodontology and a lifetime member of the Indian Endodontic Society.